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Friday, September 12, 2008

Global Warming for Dummies(Conservatives)

Just thought some of you would like to know that the release date for Elizabeth May's and Zoe Caron's new book Globalwarming For Dummies has been set for Oct 2, (debate day) which seems rather auspicious.

Amazon.ca is taking pre-orders for delivery at 50% off, just $12.

I'm really hoping May will give Harper one at the debate, that would be far too funny.

You too could make a splash and hand one them to your local Conservative candidate at some major event. If you don't want to enrich May hand out Heat or some other worthy tome.Recommend this Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth May certainly does reinforce her self-superior reputation by writing a book for dummies. That attitude drove me away from being a Green Party member. It would be more appropriately written by someone with a scientific instead of a legal background.